Friday, June 10, 2011



Ever have the yearn to burn, but don’t have the tools to get you to that blissful state in THC heaven?  Were you just a nestled into your couch getting ready to hit the bong when the bong hit the floor?  If you’re anything like me and are constantly finding yourself with nothing to smoke from, fear not fellow Cannasseur!  It’s time to wrangle your paperclips, pieces of string, and rubber bands and let’s get right down to making you some sweet shit. I’m sure you just want to get back to smoking that new batch of Blue Dream you just picked up anyway.
When I look around the world around me, I don’t see bottles, or sunglasses, or vegetables, I see things you can smoke from.  First up is something relatively easy to build but looks mighty impressive, the N64 controller pipe.
Step 1. Wrangle yourself a Nintendo 64 controller, screwdriver, scissors, and sandpaper (optional), and a bowl with a short thin stem.
Step 2. Remove all the tiny screws that holds the controller together at the bottom and back and set them aide, you’ll need them later.  So now the controller should easily come apart.
Step 3. Now grab you scissors and cut the cord at the back of the controller from the inside.  Next remove the thumbstick in the middle of the controller.  There are several ways to achieve this depending on your technical abilities, but I’m a smasher, so just bang, poke, and prod until that little bastard comes out completely!
Step 4. Reassemble the two halves of the controller.  This part is optional but if you like take the sandpaper and rub it inside where the thumbstick was making the plastic rough, I’ll explain why I like this step below.  Insert the bowl in the thumbstick hole.
And there you have it!  So what you do is load up that bowl (duh!) and press your lips, firmly but gently, over the hole at the back of the controller where the cord came out, ignite and enjoy!  There are several variations you can make of this including adding a choke by removing the Y button.  Now, the reason I suggest the sandpaper is to roughen up that plastic beneath where the bowl sits so chances of your bowl sliding out of it’s housing are slim to none.  Also, keep in mind you may have to drill the thumbstick hole bigger if you bought a bowl that won’t fit just right.
Just remember this one thing, when you can’t find weed that sucks.  But, when you have weed and nothing to smoke from life seems horrible.  So do the right thing and take that shotgun out of your mouth and smoke from it.

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